Unlock Your Mind & Master Goal Achievement Without Burnout.
"Hard work got you here, Hard work won't get you there." The path of least resistance is not like taking the easy route, it's just about being smart. Hard work is swimming against the tide in the right direction Systemisation is swimming with the tide in the right direction [it's easier, requires less effort & is more sustainable]. Reader you're probably saying to yourself: "I've worked this hard to get me to where I am, and it's worked pretty well so far." [This is what I call the Doer's Curse...the Hedonic Treadmill]. You think that just doing, doing, doing will help you reach your goals. It might [temporarily] but I guarantee it won't bring the expected happiness. You're stuck working your arse off 'in' the day-to-day tasks instead of investing in your future. You haven't systemised your lifestyle and you're chasing your tail most days. By that I mean; What [FINANCES/HEALTH/RELATIONSHIPS/LIFESTYLE/MINDSET] are going to contribute to helping me achieve what I want to achieve whilst actually increasing my happiness level? The concept of the hedonic treadmill suggests that the accomplishments you achieve throughout your life increase your happiness from baseline temporarily. On the contrary, negative events or adversity decrease your baseline happiness temporarily. But nothing externally actually helps you live a happier life...therefore we must look deeper. Most people fail in business & health endeavours by using the same [outdated] approach over & over again, and it's painful to watch. It's believed that Einstein said; 'Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." It's time to wake up: Now, I'm not saying, relax and take it easy...damn we got goals to achieve! I'm all for goal-achieving & relentless hard work, but there's an issue with that formula. For 2 reasons;
You know how there's no good without bad. No right without wrong, and no work without play or rest. Some people misunderstand the principle of duality and either rest too much or work too hard. Not just from a happiness & sustainability perspective, but from a performance perspective. Path dependence suggests; You've got to understand how to rest or play if you work hard. Times change, seasons pass & markets shift. And most of all, you grow. If you don't keep up with any of the above, you will not see exponential progression or in fact long-term results. Life is not to be lived chaotically, nor does it need to be. Hard may have got you far today, but it's never going to be optimal for your future & freedom. The most successful people don't just work relentlessly hard. Reflect on your progress to date in your health or business journey; Now think to yourself; My 1 degree shift for you today is; Get out of your head and into your life by auditing your performance. Recently I created a productivity system so that I can get more done in a day without chasing my tail. I now don't book meetings at certain times, don't have 'catch-up coffees' during the week, and definitely don't sporadically get into deep work. I systemise my day so that I get more freedom. Take control of your life by stepping above the tasks and looking from a birds-eye-view. Reply with "PRODUCTIVITY" if you want my Productivity System Template in Notion. |
Unlock Your Mind & Master Goal Achievement Without Burnout.